Mar 19, 2024
In this episode, we discuss why seeking mental health support should be the #1 thing you do before anything else! This type of support is so critical for making all the parts of your life work in your favor...find out why in this episode, and what you can do about it.
Grab our $7 e-book to help you get started on...
Jan 31, 2024
Did you know that there are actually better ways to study? When we say "study" most people actually thinking about "reviewing" for tests. But we should really be trying to use better methods that help us with working memory, and truly understanding content. Listen in to this episode to find out more about these tried...
Mar 7, 2023
Have you ever cringed when your child has said something inappropriate? And then you are profusely apologizing and then you're not sure if the person in question is still offended? This would be a time to help your child practice communication repair. In this episode, we're exploring how communication repair works and...
Nov 8, 2022
We are constantly evolving in our parenting. Sometimes some old wounds may boil up from our baggage and make it difficult to parse out what's really happening with our kids. Does that happen to you?
Is your tween ready for a phone? Take the quiz!
To learn more about...
Aug 23, 2022
It's true that transition from cute kiddo to tween to teen can be kind of rough. The truth is, it's very common and totally developmentally appropriate for your tween to act kind of like a PITA! In this episode, Dr. Cory shares some memories of his time as a jerk during that period.
Is your tween ready for a phone?...